ABC Cambro 2025 - General - Flipbook - Page 8
Smallwares • Equipment • Tabletop • Disposables • Janitorial • Interior Design
13900 NW 82nd Avenue, Miami Lakes, FL 33016
Dade (305) 885-8651 Broward (954) 525-6496
FAX (305) 362-0082
Unless otherwise noted, freight from the manufacturer is to be added to the purchase of all special
ordered items. Delivery and set-in-place is additional. Broken carton charges may apply and be added
to the sell price of some special ordered items. Prices and specifications subject to change.
Allow 2-4 weeks delivery on special order items.
Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of all data contained in this
publication, however, we cannot assume responsibility for errors or omissions.
U N L E S S S TAT E D O T H E R W I S E , A L L I T E M S A R E S O L D B Y E A C H .